Turning Traditional Branding Into Superior Branding

superior branding

Today’s topic is “branding“. Not just any “branding”, but “Superior Branding“. Let’s start off by defining the term “brand”. According to wikipedia… A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Though this is true, I would go on to say that it is much more than that.A brand, is indeed the identity of a product, service, or business, but it is also the deciding factor that determines whether a potential customer will purchase from you, or move on to a better represented product, service, or business. Your brand, is what defines, who your business, product, or service, is. Are you professional? Are you playful? Are you colorful? Are you “Green”? Are you political? These are some of the things your branding can portray for you. Your branding is basically your liaison to the world.

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