
    How Much Bandwidth Or Disk Space Do I Need?

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    If you have your own website this question has probably crossed your mind at some time. If you do not have a website, but plan to in the future, this is a question that you will face. So, How much bandwidth or disk space do you need? Well it all depends. It depends on how much traffic you will be getting. It depends on how many files you will be hosting. It depends on the size of the files you will be hosting.Before you can figure out how much bandwidth and disk space you will require, it is a good start to fully understand exactly how band width and disk space works.

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    You Need To Trust Your Designer


    Time after time its happened. I have watched well-crafted and thought-out designs, evolve into disasters. Sometimes what a client wants is not always what’s best for them. The problem is, how do you tell them without insulting them. I usually voice my opinion, and if the client clearly wants none of it, I back off. But should I? My reputation is on the line. Should I push the ideals behind my design?

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    So You Want To Start Your Own Business

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    Starting your own business isn’t quite as complicated as you might think. First things first, you need to take care of the legal stuff. There are several websites out there designed to make this easy for you. Even with all of the great resources available online it is still recommended that you hire a lawyer to keep you within the laws of your state.
    Websites to help you with the legal stuff
    Legal Zoom
    US Small Business Administration

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